Review Iceland 2 Boneless Chicken Thigh Burgers Southern Fried in Air Fryer

Boneless Chicken Thigh Burgers Southern Fried

Iceland 2 Southern Fried Boneless Chicken Thigh Burgers


Iceland 2 Southern Fried Boneless Chicken Thigh Burgers

Tasty and delicious Chicken Thigh Burgers.   These can be made in an Air Fryer and generally cook them for 20 mins at 190 as they really need cooked through.

There is quite a thick bit of chicken thigh so  it's worth cooking through so that the chicken juices  run clear, so there are no pink bits and also so the chicken thigh is firm.


Boneless Chicken Thigh Burgers from Iceland are worth buying and buying again.  They are quite tasty with that Southern Fried Taste.   The  burger is great in a bun or roll with some salad and a nice tomato relish.


Boneless Chicken Thigh Burgers Southern Fried
Iceland Boneless Chicken Thigh Burgers
Iceland Boneless Chicken Thigh Burgers

Review We Hae Meat Chippy Sausages in Air Fryer

We Hae Meat Chippy Style Sausages

We Hae Meat - Chippy Style Sausages in Batter

Chippy Style Sausages from We Hae Meat can be found in Tesco and Asda.    First off in the packet they look like what you would imagine uncooked. I cooked them in an Air Fryer and may have over cooked them at 20 mins at 180.    Could maybe do 12 mins at 200.   I did use the spray oil on them and I was actually tempted to just sprinkle vinegar over them while cooking.

As you can see from the pics, the batter for the We Hae Meat Chippy Style  Sausages could be a bit over cooked.   The batter was just crusty so not that golden - yellow colour you might expect.    The sausages themselves were just your standard chippy sausage.

Would I get them again, mmmhhhh   probably not I don't thin k if I changed how I cooked them they would have been any better.

Iceland do a range of Chippy Items that are worth trying.


We Hae Meat Chippy Style Sausages

We Hae Meat Chippy Style Sausages

Review Iceland Barbecue Saucy Chicken Bites

Iceland Barbecue Saucy Chicken Bites

Iceland Product Link

Iceland Barbecue Saucy Chicken Bites are little balls of barbecue sauce chicken.  You get around 20-25 in a bag and they look like a orange Wotsit colour.

Cooking them in an air fryer takes around 12 mins at 180 if they have been thawed and I'd say 15 mins from frozen at 190.

Upon them being ready, give them 5 mins before eating as the sauce inside is very hot, though not as hot as lava, but could burn your mouth.

So are Iceland Barbecue Saucy Chicken Bites and good.   Well I'd say they are not bad and probably ok.   They are worth trying and reasonable value but out of the things that Iceland make there's far better things.   The curry sauce chicken bites I actually prefer but it's just down  to personal opinion.


How to cook a Turkey Crown in an Air Fryer

Can you cook a Turkey Crown in an Air Fyer - Yes You can cook a Turkey Crown in an Air Feyer depending on size of Air Fryer and the Turkey Crown.   In the Youtube video below a small Turkey Crown was used in a 4 Litre Air Fryer

How long does it take to cook a Turkey Crown in an Air Fryer -  It can take around 1 hr 30 mins for a Small Turkey Crown.      In the Air Fryer I use the dial only goes upto 60 mins, so I chose 50 mins at around 180-190 and basted once.

I then put the Turkey Crown on for another 40 mins but basted two or three times to give it some colour.  I then let the Turkey Crown  rest in the Air Fryer for twenty mins.   It may have been a better idea to have left out side.

A Turkey Crown is  not just for Christmas dinner.

I covered the turkey crown in tin foil.   I used two sheets one going up and down the other left to right basically in order to cover it.

Sprinkle some salt and pepper over the Turkey Crown and any optional spice or herb.   Also add some knobs of butter or smear with butter or perhaps a fat.

Put in Air Fryer, you may need to cook without the basket.

These are rough times and may take a few times just to get right.  Looking at the video you can see that you can get a lovely roasted colour and the turkey crown can be cooked in an air fryer without the need for a oven.